
2007-08-23 3:32 am
如因系統失誤而造成資料損失、經營機會成本損失及其他可能的附加損失,本中心一概不負責。於任何情形,本中心依「授權合約」任何條款所負之全部責任,應以 貴用戶就「軟體」所實際支付之價款為限。.

回答 (1)

2007-08-23 4:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
如因系統失誤而造成資料損失、經營機會成本損失及其他可能的附加損失,本中心一概不負責。於任何情形,本中心依「授權合約」任何條款所負之全部責任,應以 貴用戶就「軟體」所實際支付之價款為限。.

If creates the material because of the system fault to lose, the management opportunity cost loss and other possible attachment losses, this center totally is not responsible. To any situation, this center depends on "the authorized contract" any provision to take the complete responsibility, should cost of the actual payment be limited to by the expensive user on "the software".

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