關於somebody and something的用法

2007-08-23 3:02 am
用somebody and something時很混亂,
即: There___something that I cannot tell you.

可否有examples to show how to use these words?

回答 (3)

2007-08-23 4:02 am
✔ 最佳答案

1.) one or some person of unspecified or indefinite identity

2.) An unspecified or unknown person

3. )重要人物,有名氣的人[C]
His wife is now somebody in television.

其實somebody 等如someone, 係某人 or 某些人
something 係某件事 or 某些事

兩者都是pronoun (代名詞), 作第三身單數論, 所以在somebody or something之後的verb (動詞) 應加s / es (現在式時), 例如:

1. ) Somebody misses you.(某人掛念你)
2. ) There is something that I cannot tell you (那裡有些事我不能告訴你)

1.) I can heard ___________ singing the birthday song.
2.) She looked in the refrigerator for ______________ to eat.

因為只有"人"才會singing the birthday song, 物件是不會singing的
2.) something
因為佢係搵某些物件吃, 我想佢唔會搵某些人吃卦! 哈哈~

如果仲有d咩唔明, welcome to email me~
參考: Step Up <--書名 Primary 5 5A冊 Unit 5
2007-08-23 8:57 am
To make it simple, we usually regard somebody and something as single. So, it should be "There is something that I cannot tell you." or "There is somebody whom you want to meet."

For example,
1. Something is about to happen.
2. Somebody wants to meet you.
2007-08-23 4:48 am
Depending whether the something refer to a plural objects or singular objects. For the former, you should use are; or else you should use is.

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