What do the following symbols and abbreviations stand for?

2007-08-23 2:37 am
1)~ _______
2)> _______
3)< _______
4)↑ _______
5)↓ _______
6)dept _______
7)yr _______

回答 (2)

2007-08-23 6:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)~ from...to.. (not sure for this question)
2)> more than/greater than_______
3)< less than/smaller than_______
4)↑ increase/upwards_______
5)↓ decrease/downwards_______
6)dept _department______
7)yr __year_____

2007-08-22 23:02:50 補充:
1)~ always found this symbol in dictionary. 一般理解它代表在之前內容提及過的字詞/句子例如:quicka.1. 快的,迅速的Some children are very ~.有些孩子很敏捷。ad.1. 快,迅速地He runs as ~ as a deer.他跑得跟鹿一樣快。以上 ~ 代表在之前內容提及過的字 quick
參考: myself
2007-08-23 4:10 am
1)~ _______ not equal, not
2)> _______ greater than
3)< _______ less than
4)↑ _______ Up arrow, raise
5)↓ _______ Down arrow, drop
6)dept _______ department
7)yr _______ year

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