chemical formulae

2007-08-23 2:11 am
Here are the questions:::
1.For Mercury(I) nitrite, which one is correct?
a) Hg2(NO2)2 b)Hg(NO2)
*because I know Mercury(I) should exist as, Hg2 2+ ,a pair, so I don't know if to simplify the subscript in a)

2.For disilicon hexabromide, which one is correct?
a) Si2Br6 b)SiBr3
*because disilicon hexabromide is a molecule...I don't know if I can simplify the subscripts...

3. Does NO2 the same as N2O4??


回答 (2)

2007-08-31 11:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a) Hg2(NO2)2 Mercury(I) nitrite
The two Hg atoms are bonded together using the 6s orbitals. Mercury is unique in forming stable dinuclear metal ions. At Hg(+I) state, it consists of two directly linked metal atoms. The mercurous ion thus has the structure [Hg-Hg]2+.
In simple quantitative analysis, you can take HgR instead of Hg2R2 for simplicity (in calculation), but you have to be cautious that Hg+ is not likely to exist (at least in normal condition for observation).

a) Si2Br6 disilicon hexabromide

Br  Br  Br
 \ /   /
 /   / \
Br  Br  Br

Si2Br6 can be produced by pyrolysis (strong heating). Moreover, other members of the series
Si X     can be produced by pyrolysis (strong heating).
  n 2n+2
These are either volatile liquids or solids.
SiBr4 + Si --> Si2Br6 + higher members of the series

NO2 the different from N2O4
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide
N2O4 Dinitrogen tetroxide

NO2 / N2O4 Tm = -11 deg C Tb = 21 deg C
N2O4 Dinitrogen tetroxide, the molecule is planar. The NO2 is obtained as a brown liquid which turns paler on cooling, and eventually becomes a colourless solid. This is because NO2 dimerizes into colourless N2O4. NO2 is an odd electron molecule, and is paramagnetic and very reactive. It dimerizes to N2O4, by pairing the previouly unpaired electrons. N2O4 has no unpaired electrons and is diamagnetic. It is also colorless but can appear brownish yellow liquid due to the presence of NO2 according to the following equilibrium:
N2O4 <=> 2NO2
Higher temperatures push the equilibrium towards nitrogen dioxide.

2007-08-31 15:15:30 補充:
N2O4 Dinitrogen tetroxideO     O \   /  N-N /   \O     ONO2 Nitrogen dioxide N=O //O
2007-08-23 7:05 am
因為佢係ionic compound~佢既formula一定以simplest ratio去表達

2)a 3)唔同

因為Si2Br6呢隻compound係covalent compound~
所以要跟番個名既描述 有二粒Si 六粒Br

而第三題~ 係唔同的 因為根本唔同結構~
不過原來nitrogen dioxide同 dinitrogen tetraoxide係有一個equilibrium relation
即係 2 NO2(g) <=> N2O4(g)
參考: 自己

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