about possessive adjectives and pronouns

2007-08-22 11:49 pm
What is "possessive adjectives and pronouns"



回答 (2)

2007-08-24 6:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Possessive Pronouns指人的所有物,例mine, his hers, ours等。
This cat is (mine).
Mary has lost her pet. Is this (hers)?
Its bone, its leg, its kittens…

Possessive Adjectives用在名詞前說明人的所有物,例my, your, his, her等。
It is (my) house.
She lost (her) key
It’s (John’s) car.
當你表達2人所有時, “ ’s ” 放在第二個名子後:
May and June’s house
參考: English Grammer for Students
2007-08-25 9:44 pm
多謝你給我這麼多的建議!!thank you!!

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