
2007-08-22 10:57 pm
Rewrite the following sentences into past tense.
1. Mary likes to play the violin. Last year Mary___________________________.
2. Jacky is usually late for school. Yesterday morning Jacky ______________________.
3. My mother usually sleeps well but last night she __________________.

回答 (2)

2007-08-23 3:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Mary likes to play the violin. Last year Mary learned how to play the violin.

2. Jacky is usually late for school. Yesterday morning Jacky went to school early.

3.My mother usually sleeps well but last night she slept very not well.
2007-08-22 11:02 pm
1. Mary likes to play the violin. Last year Mary liked to play the violin.
2. Jacky is usually late for school. Yesterday morning Jacky was late for school.
3. My mother usually sleeps well but last night she didn't sleep well.
參考: me

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