為什麼墮機後,要遮蓋飛機上航空公司名稱和Logo? 有沒有特別的原因?

2007-08-22 10:41 pm
為什麼墮機後,要遮蓋飛機上航空公司名稱和Logo? 有沒有特別的原因?

回答 (3)

2007-08-22 11:21 pm
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2007-08-23 7:17 am
Yes. Corporate image.
The longer the crashed aircraft with company logo on it with media filming or taking photos. The more damage will be done on corporate image.

The B737-800 burned in Naha has already painted white on rudder section.
Remember the China Airlines B747-400 floated on the sea when it overshoot the runway in Kai Tak? When the 747 pulled out of water, the fuselage was painted white.

Airlines will also cover its name and logo when the aircraft is retired and put to desert await to be demolished.
2007-08-22 11:41 pm
墮機後,不一定要飛機上航空公司名稱和, 剛剛架華航在沖繩島都無遮蓋Logo.

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