
2007-08-22 10:26 pm


回答 (3)

2007-08-22 10:32 pm
BabyName Religion/Region/Language Gender Meaning
Rabi Islamic G Sweet wind
Rabi Islamic B Fragrant, sweet smelling breeze
Rabia African U Spring
Rach African U Frog
Rachel Englsh G Ewe or "Lamb". The name is borne in the Bible by the younger of the two wives of Jacob and mother of his sons Joseph and Benjamin. (RAY-CHEL)
Rachel Hebrew G Motherly (Ray, Rae, Rakel, Raye,Rachal, Rachelle, Raquel)
Rachna Hindu G Construction, arrangement
Rad English B Counselor (Radd)
Rad Bulgaria B Joy
Radcliff English B Cliff of red rocks (Cliff, Cliffy, Radclyffe)
Radha Hindu G Krishna's lover, prosperity
Radharaman Hindu B Srikrishna
Radhika Hindu G Radha, lover of Krishna
Radka Bulgaria G Joy (Rada, Radha, Raina)
Radwan Islamic B Pleasure
Raea Western G Rivers. ray-a (rhea, raya) Origin: Greek *
Raelle Western G Rae - Wise protection (German) Elle - Female/Girl (French) Origin: French,German Unusual *
Rafat Islamic B Elation
Rafat Islamic B Mercy
Rafferty Gaelic B One who brings riches (Rafe, Refer, Raff, Raffer)
Rafiq Islamic B Friend, companion
Raghavanka Hindu B Name of a poet of Karnataka
Raghavendra Hindu B Best among Raghus
Raghid Islamic B Carefree
Raghnall Gaelic B Gaelic name derived from the Scandinavian Rognvaldr (powerful judgment), a compound name composed from the Old Norse elements regin (advice, decision, judgment) and valdr (ruler, power, might). The name was also derived from the Germanic Raganald
2007-08-22 10:31 pm
go to http://www.childhood.com.hk/names/girl-R.htm

Rachel 慈母般的
RadelIa 聰明的
Rafaela 治療者
Ramona 保衛者
Reba 調解人
Rebecca 調解人
Regina 似皇后的
Reina 似皇后的
Renata 泰然自若的
Renita 泰然自若的
Rhea 神聖的
Rhoda 玫瑰
Richela 嚴謹的
Rita 珍珠
Riva 夢想家
Roberta 出色的
Robina 名望
Roderica 統治者
Rolanda 可愛的
Roma 名望
Ronalda 有勢力的
Rosalie 合理的
Rosalind 合理的
Rosalyn 合理的
Rosanna 優美
Rose 玫瑰
Rosemary 優美
Rosette 幼小
Rosina 開花
Rowena 知識份子
Roxanna 黎明
Rubetta 刺激的
Ruby 紅寶石
Rudelle 生氣勃勃的
Rue 遊歷者
Ruth 朋友
2007-08-22 10:29 pm

2007-08-25 17:25:23 補充:

2007-08-25 17:25:41 補充:

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