
2007-08-22 9:27 pm



回答 (3)

2007-08-22 10:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You are strongly reminded that the sample is our company property; you have no right to dismount or disassembly it without our permission. Moreover, it is the approved sample for the production line from our Client.

Except your company, we have received all the samples from other factories. You are urged to follow up closely with your factory and submit the sample to us without delay.

We must receive your sample on or before “Date”.

We would be appreciated if you could put in place your utmost effort to complete the work. No further issue is allowed to destroy our well-established relation.

Thank you for your cooperation.

2007-08-22 14:54:22 補充:
Sorry, typo, the last few word is relationship instead of relation.It should be read as :No further issue is allowed to destroy our well-established relationship.(hope this will help you)
參考: me
2007-08-22 10:18 pm
The sample was belongings,you which belonged to me to take charge of does not have possibly to independently decide to fling them. Moreover the visitor will be takes advantage of this the sample,to decide in the future order form. Now only owes you a factory not to be able to provide the sample,please expensive department to try to find solution to want the sample in any event with the factory me not to want again to have any matter to affect our good cooperation relations. The sample we are remember in must.

2007-08-22 9:33 pm

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