d人學外語(如法,德文), 其實學英文唔係己經夠用喇咩?

2007-08-22 10:10 am
學外語, 唔計興趣, 計實用性質(溝通用途)


例如德國人識講英文, 咁我地點解仲要學德文同佢地溝通?
例如法國人識講英文, 咁我地點解仲要學法文同佢地溝通?
例如沙特亞拉伯人識講英文, 咁我地點解仲要學阿拉伯語同佢地溝通?
例如巴西人識講英文, 咁我地點解仲要學葡萄牙語同佢地溝通?


你地點睇? 覺得英文係唔係想像中咁廣泛地被使用呢?

回答 (4)

2007-08-23 2:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yea you are right; as you say many people in the world they actually know English pretty well….
I live in Lyon, France… the second big city in France. But as I know most of the people there they don’t even know how to speak English…people in France they star learning English since F.1~and I realize that French people don’t really like those people who are specking English with them…
German people speak quite good English, but still they would prefer people speaking with them is German~
Although English is an international language, maybe u could the most important language for right now....but someday soon, maybe some others language (French ?? German?? Or whatever) so that’s why now people are starting to learn more language to improve them self…
And it will also be easier for u too find a job if u know more language..
參考: myself
2007-08-23 6:12 am
2007-08-22 9:24 pm
Of course it's not useful enough. Although English is an international worldwide language, but in countryside areas or rural areas in Europe/Asia/America/Africa people may not speak good English. For example, French speaks English well because they are in tourist areas, but in countryside areas like Strasbourg, Pau, you may have to speak French, also the two places I mentioned is closed to Germany and Spain respectively, you can try to use Spanish/German. Also French can be used in Africa. Arabians are not in English, that's why we need to speak Arabian in Middle East. German's English is ok but speak German will be possible. Portugese is used in Brazil and Portugal as official language.
English is worldwide language that is a big way to communicate each other
2007-08-22 11:20 am
Yes, you're right. English is an international language. But in reality, not all people are good in it. How many people speak good English in Hong Kong?
I live in Vienna, Austria. I find that only the people in the tourist areas speak English. Otherwise, you must speak in German.
In my opinion, we should learn English well and then try to learn another languages.
We always say we are Asia's World City. But in Europe, people in the tourist areas can speak more than 3 languages.
參考: my experience

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