
2007-08-22 8:17 am
本人於去年在浸大持續教育讀完工商文憑課程, 現想報讀有關學士課程 (part-time), 請問有什麼途徑? 是否還先要修讀高級文憑或副學士? 請詳細提供有關課程及學校資料, 謝謝.

回答 (1)

2007-08-22 12:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There is no need to study for a higher diploma or an associate degree. The School of Continuing Education at Hong Kong Baptist University actually offers several business bachelor's degree programmes jointly with the University of South Australia (UniSA).

"The University of South Australia (UniSA) is one of the Australia's major institutions of higher learning and consists of 5 campuses located in the capital city of South Australia - Adelaide and the regional city of Whyalla. The University has approximately 30,000 students, more than 4,200 of whom are postgraduate and has approximately 2,000 staff."

"Qualifications from undergraduate to PhD level in some 40 professional disciplines are offered by the University which has established a strong teaching and research reputation in applied science, art and design, engineering, the health sciences, management and commerce, teacher education, and the social sciences."

"The University of South Australia has won a clear stamp of approval for its local and international relationships in the August 2004 quality audit conducted by the Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA). The AUQA report commended UniSA for its quality assurance process for transnational programmes."

"The UniSA has been ranked 154 among the top universities in the world by the Times Higher Education 2005."

"The Division of Business is the largest division in the University with over 160 staff and approximately 7,000 undergraduate and post-graduate students. The division's teaching programmes are regarded as among the most imaginative and innovative of any in Australian higher education. The staff of the division are responsible for the teaching and administration of the Accountancy and Business programmes in Hong Kong and are committed to providing their students with a quality education."

"The Division of Business of University of South Australia is the first Australian Business School to receive accreditation from the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) for both onshore and offshore operations. EQUIS is part of the European Foundation for Management Development (EMFD) and one of two major international forms of accreditation for business schools. There are only 73 EQUIS accredited organizations worldwide."

Bachelor's degree programmes are offered in: Administrative Management, Applied Finance, Human Resource Management, and Marketing. Programme benefits include:

"- An internationally recognized degree to be studied in Hong Kong
- Intensive lectures conducted by UniSA lecturers in Hong Kong (Total 20hrs per semester)
- Regular face-to-face contact with local experienced tutors (Total 10hrs per semester)
- Prompt response on academic enquiries by UniSA division staff (e-mail or fax)
- Credits units (up to a maximum of 50% of the programme) will be granted to entry students dependent on their previous qualifications
- Tailor-made learning materials written by UniSA staff for local students
- Flexible learning period "

"Admission criteria:
- A recognized higher certificate or diploma/ advanced diploma/ associate degree in a business related discipline (Business degrees) or accountancy (Accountancy degree) or
- Membership of a recognized professional association; and
- English language proficiency which may require a score of 6 on the IELTS or 550 on the TOEFL test* (please consult SCE for further information)"
Hence, a diploma in Business plus a relevant English proficiency test will qualify one for admission.

"Holders of a recognized award in accountancy (Accountancy degree) or business related discipline (Business degrees) are entitled to receive credits. Advanced standing (exemption) up to a maximum of 12 courses (54 credit units) will be assessed by the Programme Director."


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