English Homework (P.2) Pls Help !!!!!

2007-08-22 6:38 am
Fill in the blabks with the correct possessive adjectives.
請問咩叫做 possessive adjectives ??? For example ????
1) I always finish ____________ homework before dinner.
2) You should eat ___________ hamburger.
3) Mary's brother has a robot. __________ robot can walk.
4) We should help ___________ mother with the housework.
5) Grandma is old. _________ hair is grey.
6) Our dog waves ___________ tail when it sees my father.
7) Jack and Jill are lazy when __________ parents are not at home.

回答 (4)

2007-08-22 6:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
possessive adjectives 其實就好似中文的代名詞一樣
所以呢,,英文黎講呢"my, your, his, her, its, our, their"等等呢D就叫possessive adjectives

參考: 自己
2007-08-24 7:29 pm
1. my
2. your
3. His
4. our
5. Her
6. its
7. their
參考: My English Book
2007-08-24 6:29 am
A possessive adjective, also called a possessive determiner or possessive article, is a part of speech that modifies a noun by attributing ownership to someone or something (with some exceptions noted below). English possessive adjectives are grammatically determiners rather than adjectives, because they cannot modify the same noun as another determiner such as an article or a demonstrative, but they can co-occur with adjectives. These are also called by some determinative possessive pronouns, although not pronouns.

There are seven of them in modern English: my, your, his, her, its, our, their. The suffix -'s works similarly, but it is a clitic attached to the preceding noun phrase. All of them indicate definiteness like the definite article the. Since in English they cannot co-occur with an indefinite article, phrases like "a book of mine" or "one of my books" must be used instead of incorrect "*a my book." For a list of English possessive adjectives and their corresponding pronouns, see the table of English personal pronouns, possessive pronouns and adjectives.

Some languages have neither possessive adjectives nor possessive pronouns, and express possession by declining the personal pronouns in the genitive or possessive case, or by using possessive suffixes. In Finnish, for example, minun ("I's"), means "my" or "mine".[citation needed]

Like possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives can prevent repetitions in a sentence by substituting a noun phrase with -'s. For example, they allow us to say "Sally took off her glasses" instead of "Sally took off Sally's glasses".
-wikipedia, lolz

1. my
2007-08-22 6:43 am
1. my
2. your
3. His
4. our
5. Her
6. its
7. their

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