波音航機編號後的 -X00 有什麼意思?

2007-08-22 3:52 am

如 B737-800

回答 (3)

2007-08-24 1:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
這是代表波音737的第8種型號, 波音737系列由1960年代面世至今已推出8款不同的型號. 737-800(行內人會稱之為738)就是737系列中比較新的型號.

正如本港各大航空公司中常見的747-400(744), A330-300(A333), A340-200(A342)等等.
參考: Myself Knowledge
2007-08-23 7:13 am
It is the variations of the particular aircraft type.
The bigger the number does not necessary means its bigger.
B737-700 is smaller than B737-400. But the -700 is the new generation of B737 series family with glass cockpit.
2007-08-22 3:43 pm
It means the generation of size of the aircraft
參考: wikipedia.org

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