I am doing the english oral for tomorrow

2007-08-22 2:23 am
The topic 5min oral 中七程度 coz i am oversea student ....thxxx a lot

soory about i confiss u ........I am going to do my oral topic which is call however i can't get any idea ....so i would like u to help me think about and write it down to me. Also the limit of the time is between 4-5min Thzzz a lot mate


The topic is comparison between Hong Kong and china..

回答 (2)

2007-08-22 2:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't really get what you're trying to ask, you want a topic?
If you are an oversea student, probably your english is very good, so what is yr problem?

Assuming you want a topic, I suggest you may talk on the opportunities after F.7, for example, how to select a career path , or how to select universities etc.

For career path, you may mention assessing yr strengths and interest, and matching them with market situation, ie researching on classified post etc.

For universities, you may mention considering local or overseas and the various disciplines.

Hope this help, else pls supplement yr question.
2007-08-22 4:04 am
u ll b alright there mate, i just gonna to drop u down some points and im sure u can manage yourslef. For 5 mins...u can talk alot of things there actually
The best to start off wif is talking about this History and you can say sumting like " Hong Kong Island was first occupied by British forces iafter the First Opium War in 1841 so HK has lot of things different compare to china ...etc"
then u can move on to:
=Politics and government
=Legal system and judiciary
=Administrative districts
參考: myself

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