
2007-08-22 1:36 am


回答 (4)

2007-08-22 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
A thing or an idea that has not existed before

to make somebody unable to think clearly or understand something

extremely funny
參考: dictionary
2007-08-22 2:01 am
1) Invention means new things that create by someone.
2) Confuse have three meanings:
- to disturb in mind / to make embarrassment
- to bring to ruin
- to make indistinct
3) Hilarious means extremely funny.
參考: 韋氏大字典 (Merriam-Webster OnLine) http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/
2007-08-22 1:45 am
1. The act of finding out or inventing; contrivance or construction of that which has not before existed; as, the invention of logarithms; the invention of the art of printing.

"As the search of it [truth] is the duty, so the invention will be the happiness of man." -- Tatham.

2. That which is invented; an original contrivance or construction; a device; as, this fable was the invention of Esop; that falsehood was her own invention.

"We entered by the drawbridge, which has an invention to let one fall if not premonished." -- Evelyn.

3. Thought; idea. Shak.

4. A fabrication to deceive; a fiction; a forgery; a falsehood.

"Filling their hearers With strange invention." -- Shak.

5. The faculty of inventing; imaginative faculty; skill or ingenuity in contriving anything new; as, a man of invention.

"They lay no less than a want of invention to his charge; a capital crime, . . . for a poet is a maker." -- Dryden.

6. (Fine Arts, Rhet., etc.) The exercise of the imagination in selecting and treating a theme, or more commonly in contriving the arrangement of a piece, or the method of presenting its parts.

Invention of the cross
(Eccl.), a festival celebrated May 3d, in honor of the finding of our Savior's cross by St. Helena.

1. To mix or blend so that things can not be distinguished; to jumble together; to confound; to render indistinct or obscure; as, to confuse accounts; to confuse one's vision.

"A universal hubbub wild Of stunning sounds and voices all confused. Milton." --

2. To perplex; to disconcert; to abash; to cause to lose self-possession.

"Nor thou with shadowed hint confuse A life that leads melodious days. Tennyson." --

"Confused and sadly she at length replied. Pope." --

Syn. -- To abash; disorder; disarrange; disconcert; confound; obscure; distract. See Abash.

1. Mirthful; noisy; merry.
參考: sina
2007-08-22 1:43 am
invention(n) = 創造力

confuse(v) = 把...弄糊塗, 使困惑

hilarious(adj) = 歡鬧的,熱鬧的
參考: Dr. exe程式

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