
2007-08-22 1:09 am

回答 (2)

2007-08-22 8:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
一般是低買高賣賺差價, 長線投資的話就是股市跌到大家都風聲鶴淚時就慢慢的以低價買入; 當股市漲上去, 大家都歡天喜地時, 就偷愉的把自己手上的股票一點一點的高價賣出. 長期來講都可以賺到錢的.

另外就是股票買來之後就一路放著, 做長期股東, 等分股利囉. 不過在買入前要先注意看那家公司是不是每年都賺大錢而且股東每股分到很高的股利.
參考: 常識
2007-08-22 1:15 am
Therefore are 2 ways to make money in investing in stocks:

1. Capital gain i.e. for example you buy Hong Kong Bank 0005.HK at $140 per share, then sell it at any price higher than this such as $142 per share, you make a profit of $2
per share

2. Dividend i.e. Hong Kong Bank will pay dividends (income) to stock holders

NB Brokerage fees and stamp duties needed to be deduced from your profits.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:02:22
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