[10分] Maths Questions (APPROXIMATION AND ERROR) 列明步驟..THX =]

2007-08-22 12:53 am
1. The maximum pulling strength of a fishing-line measured by a laboratory is 60kg and the percentage error is 5%. What is the possible range of the maximum pulling strength of the fishing-line ?

2. The time required for a software to scan all the files of the computer is 19 minutes 15 seconds, correct to the nearest 5 seconds. Find the percentage error correct to 2 sig.fig.

回答 (1)

2007-08-22 2:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
( 1 ) ( Maximum error / Measured value ) x 100% = % error

{ Maximum error / 60 } x 100% = 5%

Maximum error = 3kg

Then the upper limit: 60kg + 3kg = 63kg

The lower limit: 60kg - 3kg = 57kg

Hence the possible range of the maximum pulling strength of the fishing-line is between 57kg and 63kg.

( 2 ) 19 min 15 s = 1155s

Maximum error of the measurement: 5s / 2 = 2.5s

% error = ( 2.5 / 1155 )( 100% )

= 0.22% ( cor. to 2 s.f. )
參考: My Maths Knowledge

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 19:51:53
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