
2007-08-21 11:21 pm

I can take two days in evening per week to do part time job.

I am dependent on computer so much to my work.
I work too excessively rigid, everything is sure need perfectly, gives others some pressure.


回答 (6)

2007-08-21 11:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I can spent two days on doing part-time job.
I depend on my computer to do a lot of works.
As my requirements to work are too rigid, the others feel pressured.

2007-08-21 15:36:03 補充:
I can spare two evenings on doing part-time job.

2007-08-21 15:36:48 補充:
I can spare two evenings every weeks on doing part-time job

2007-08-21 15:37:56 補充:
Basement of Shopping Mall
2007-08-22 12:55 am
I can take two days per week in the evening to work part-time.

I am dependent on computer a lot on doing my work.

I am too excessively rigid over my work, everything have to be done so perfectly that I am giving pressure to others !

商場地牢-basement of the shopping mall

There is also a good website where you can brush up your English ! ^^
2007-08-21 11:41 pm
I can take two days evening for a week to do part time job.

I can use computer to do my work and i work very excessively rigid. I am sure that

everying is prefect and have other people's pressure!
2007-08-21 11:35 pm
I can take two days a week to have a part time job in the evening.

My work is dependent on computer very much. /
I use the computer frequently when working./

To ensure everything is right and perfect, I always work too straight. My serious working attitude always put pressure on the others.

商場地牢 = basement / basement of the shopping centre / basement of the shopping mall
參考: Me
2007-08-21 11:34 pm
I can spare two evenings for part time job weekly.

I work with my computer dependently./ I dependent on computer for my work.

I work rigidly in order to get perfect result and gives pressure to others, too.

2007-08-21 11:34 pm
I can do the part time job two days per week in the evening.
I always use computer to finish my work.
I work excessively rigid and everything must be perfect so sometimes it gives others some pressure.

2007-08-21 15:36:01 補充:
the basement of the shopping mall

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