
2007-08-21 7:12 pm
one time when i was chatting with my friend who is foreigner and he said,' what have you been working on?' does anyone know what the meaning is? i know he is doing something "say hi" to me. but i'm not sure what exactly the meaning is?

回答 (6)

2007-08-21 9:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
saying hi? are you sure?
如果你話 when i was chatting with [the] friend,中途佢話 "what have you been working on?" 咁就一定唔係 saying hi。
現時 saying hi 有好多方法,如:
What's happening? What's new? How's everything? How's life? What have you been up to? 亦可以講:What have you been doing?
方式真係太多,如果你話最近興埋 "what have you been working on?" ,我唔敢斷言佢唔係 saying hi,但就好視乎呢句說話幾時講。如果只係對話頭開始兩三個 turn 之中,可能係。
注意:樓上有說法話等於 What kind of works you have been doing? (你曾經做過那些工作?)有誤。work on something 係一個 phrasal verb,引 Oxford Phrasal Verbs dictionary for learners of English,意思係 to be busy with a particular activity, project, piece of research, etc.。亦唔係 past perfect tense,past perfect 係 had + past participle;呢句其實係 present perfect continuous,has/has + been + v-ing。
2007-08-21 9:03 pm
與我的朋友聊天是外國人和他說,你一直在什麼工作? '有人知道意思是什麼嗎? i 知道他正做某些事情" 說喂" 對我。但是i不能確信正好意思是嗎?
2007-08-21 8:27 pm
佢問你 ...做緊咩
2007-08-21 7:56 pm
What have you been working on?
= What kind of works you have been doing?

It is a past perfect tense, 包括 what kind of work you are doing now?

2007-08-30 09:37:45 補充:
In some occassions, this might equivalent to:Hi!How are you?or 你近日忙些什麼?等等之熟朋友見面語.
參考: SELF
2007-08-21 7:17 pm
2007-08-21 7:16 pm

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