
2007-08-21 7:07 pm
This species nests in dense forest, building a stick nest in a tree and laying one elliptical, faintly blue-tinged white egg. Its flight is quick, with the regular beats and an occasional sharp flick of the wings which are characteristic of pigeons in general. This is a large, heavy pigeon at 40cm in length.It is mainly metallic green with green and copper hackles on the neck.

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2007-08-21 9:11 pm
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2007-08-21 16:32:24 補充:

2007-08-21 16:37:17 補充:
”以有規律的節奏,但卻間中像鴿子一般,突然拂動翅膀,迅速飛行。”,更好的翻譯是:  ”像一般鴿子一樣,以有規律的節奏,但卻間中突然快速拂動翅膀,迅速飛行”
2007-08-21 7:11 pm
This species nests in dense forest, building a stick nest in a tree and laying one elliptical, faintly blue-tinged white egg. Its flight is quick, with the regular beats and an occasional sharp flick of the wings which are characteristic of pigeons in general. This is a large, heavy pigeon at 40cm in length.It is mainly metallic green with green and copper hackles on the neck.

這個種類在密集的森林裡築巢,修造棍子巢在樹,并且放置一省略,微弱地藍色發出丁當聲白雞蛋。 它的飛行是快的,與規則敲打和一般來說是典型的鴿子翼的偶爾的鋒利的輕打。 這長度是一隻大,重的鴿子在40cm。它是主要金屬綠色與綠色和銅長羽毛在脖子。

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