
2007-08-21 7:32 am

回答 (6)

2007-08-21 9:18 am
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Chelsea 或另一個串法 Chelsie 都係女仔名。


Gender: Feminine
Usage: English
Pronounced: CHEL-see [key]

From the name of a district in London meaning "landing place for chalk or limestone" in Old English. (由倫敦一個區名而來)
你話唔怪,就用囉;但話你知,前美國總統個女就係叫做 Chelsea Clinton。
至於話用 Joaquin 做「英文」名,我唔知英國人會點讀,因為呢個擺明係西班牙文,你又知唔知佢點讀?監硬要個英文人讀,會讀成 Jo-a-queen,好聽咩?定係要西班牙文讀法:Hu-a-QUEEN?
2008-11-12 11:44 am
chelsea is a girl name. My school , where in Uk,have 3 girls are called chelsea. Even like that, but chelsea not a popular name in UK . Just my school have 3 British are called chelsea.

actulally, chelsea is a name of a old place in UK.
2007-08-21 4:08 pm
Chelsea is a girl's name, a daugther of my old English friend called Chelsea.

It is not very common, but people do use it on girls.

I wouldn't suggest to put this name on a boy.

Furthermore, Chelsea usually has an impression of flowers, because the UK flower show is held in Chelsea every year.
參考: I am living in London
2007-08-21 8:11 am
參考: me
2007-08-21 7:41 am
其實都會咖,因為 chelsea ( 車路士 ) 係一隊英超勁旅個名!!
不過改個特別 d 既名都好既!! 唔會同人撞名呀麻!!
不過當唔識既人知你叫 chelsea 既話,可能會笑你囉!!
不過我表哥佢個名叫 joapun !! 抄 joaquin ( 祖亞昆 ) 咖!!
參考: 自己
2007-08-21 7:39 am

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