Looking for job, worked over 15years

2007-08-21 7:10 am
I am working in a MNC as an senior accounts clerk and I had been working for over 15years since left school. I have BA (Hons) in Accountancy (distance learning) in 2004. Lately, I really upset with my job and wanted to quit. I am looking for a job as an Assistant accontant but seems not easy as people said. I have tried to send the application but no feedback even for interview :(.

回答 (2)

2007-08-21 8:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-08-21 7:20 am
你想搵工嗎~?我公司果邊請人喎~你睇下有冇興趣~?要資料問我[email protected]

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