
2007-08-21 4:48 am
I am looking forward to seeing you.


但係係學校 我個miss同 同學話e句錯,to後面一定係原動詞wo 我就問佢點解 佢又答唔出

回答 (2)

2007-08-21 6:10 am
The sentence is correct. Here the word "to" is not an infinitive to, but a preposition. "I am looking forward to" means "I am hoping and waiting for", not like "I want to see you.", it must a noun or a noun phrase after it. So "seeing" here is a gerund, a noun form of a verb. Tell your school teacher nicely that she is wrong. But don't blame her as language is something not easy to master. We always have some mistakes here and there even for native English speakers.
2007-08-21 5:06 am
I am looking forward to seeing you.
It is correct!!!!!

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