How to have 鬼妹 friends??(10 point)

2007-08-21 4:43 am
I amF.1 and I live in Sai Kung.I want to have鬼妹 friend(s)?
If I Like her how can I say to her!
My Dream is have a鬼妹 girlfriend.
My English in S.6 is 91point.
My English is quiet good.

回答 (5)

2007-08-21 5:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
u can go to the beach, e.g. clear water bay, many 鬼妹 ~
also u can go to tsim sha tsui, so many 鬼妹 there~

one day when i was watching seaview at tsim sha tsui, near star ferry,
two pretty鬼妹 came to me and ask,' do u want to *****~?'
just kidding~ they asked me to take photo for them~
of course it's my pleasure~ after that they gave me a kiss~
just kidding~ they said thank u so much~
參考: good luck~
2007-10-02 11:42 pm
Just Kidding~
2007-08-21 7:07 am
2007-08-21 6:31 am
你叫你父母移民, 又或者供你去外國讀書, 咁應該實有鬼妹friend, 但係唔係gf, 就要睇你自己.
講真, 你d英文仲未係好好, 無論你d英文係S6幾好, 始終都係S6, 如果想要有鬼妹gf, 你真係要繼續努力學習.
而且講真鬼妹未必好ga, 因為文化背景唔同, 到你有鬼妹gf時可能你就會覺得麻煩.
2007-08-21 5:08 am

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