
2007-08-21 4:00 am
煩請以下英文譯為中文, 我不要死硬地照字翻譯, 講明白其意思就得, 謝謝

1. Visit is a short or temporary stay. If a person comes to HK to set up some sort of permanent establishment, e.g. an office, even though his period of stay is 60 days or less, he could not be said to visit HK.

set up some sort of permanent establishmen 點解?

2. If taxpayer's presence in HK does not contitute 'visit', the 60 days exemption is not applicable even less than 60 days in HK.

回答 (3)

2007-08-21 6:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 旅遊參觀是短暫或臨時逗留。 如果某人來港設立某一類永久性的設施,例如 辦公室,即使他的逗留的期間是60天或較少,他不可能說是旅遊參觀HK。
1. Visit is a short or temporary stay. If a person comes to HK to set up some sort of permanent establishment, e.g. an office, even though his period of stay is 60 days or less, he could not be said to visit HK.

2.如果納稅人在香港的親身出現是不足構成旅遊參觀時,則 60天或小於60天的逗留豁免權是不適用的。
2. If taxpayer's presence in HK does not contitute "visit"; the 60 days exemption is not applicable even less than 60 days in HK.

2007-08-21 17:18:47 補充:
1......他不可能說是 來香港 旅遊參觀。2......不足構成旅遊參觀 性質 時,.....
2007-08-23 10:11 pm
1. 參觀是短或臨時逗留。 如果人走向HK設定某一類恆久的設施,即。 辦公室,即使他的逗留的期間是60天或較少,他不可能說參觀HK。
2. 如果納稅人的存在HK不contitute 『參觀』, 60天豁免不是可適用的不太比60天在HK。
2007-08-21 4:24 am
1. 參觀是短或臨時逗留。 如果人走向HK設定某一類恆久的設施,即。 辦公室,即使他的逗留的期間是60天或較少,他不可能說參觀HK。
2.如果納稅人的存在HK不contitute 『visit' 60天豁免不是可適用的不太比60天在HK。
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