the five people you meet in the heaven 10分嫁!!!!!!急!!!!!!!!!

2007-08-21 2:44 am
我想要the five people you meet in the heaven 既讀後感+ 內容

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2007-08-28 6:33 pm
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1.Summary of the book:
The book is about a man named Eddie. He was the maintance man at the amusement park near by. Eddie had a difficult life after his wife died, but he persevered. He wanted to work at the park and make sure that it was everything his wife wanted. On his birthday, he was cleaning the rides, and a broken cart was falling towards a young girl and himself. As he was trying to save this little girl, he died. Throughout the story, Eddie looks down on the afterlife and meets five people. All of these people are related in some way. He runs into "The Blue Man," "The Captain," Marguerite, Ruby and Tala. Each of these people had their life impacted both in good and bad ways. Somehow these people come back to teach him lessons about what he did for them and how they made it through it.
2.Character(s) I most identify with:
Eddie is a grizzled war veteran who feels trapped in a meaningless life of fixing rides at a seaside amusement park. As the park has changed over the years -- from the Loop-the-Loop to the Pipeline Plunge -- so, too, has Eddie changed, from optimistic youth to embittered old age. His days are a dull routine of work, loneliness, and regret.
3.The writer’s intention or message (the theme of the book):
Mitch Albom gives us an astoundingly original story that will change everything you’ve ever thought about the afterlife -- and the meaning of our lives here on earth
The writer wants to show heaven is a place that will explain your life to you, places where you don't understand... remember how Eddie meet the five people in heaven which he knows and doesn't know. They are people that affect his life.
4.My opinion of the book:
This is one of the most beautiful books about man's pilgrimage through life. The plot is amazing. I hold that nobody can say for certain what his/her purpose in life is or whether ones' purpose had been achieved when the person dies. Still it is good for us to remember the troubles of our life, recollect the memories of things, judge the impact they had on those around us or on humanity as a whole, and determine whether we achieved what we've been trying to find out in life. Life's meaning is unveiled for me to understand in this book. This is a positively inspiring book.
5.Final comment on the book
I think at the beginning I had set high hopes for this book, and a lot of the way the book was up to it. But what crashed it to me was the sudden end. It was if the author could wait for the book to be finished and was wrapping it up quickly. It left me a little disappointed and hoping for a fuller ending.
All in all however a lovely book that perhaps leaves you wondering.
參考: ME

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 19:14:55
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