
2007-08-21 2:12 am
1.入航空公司面試之前,其實要不要識(渣)飛機和要讀完什麼課程,還是要讀完一些飛行課程,航空公司(先) 會請你....(不是讀完a-level或大學後就可以去面試嗎) 還有可以說明入航空公司之前的一些準備(如讀完什麼....)


回答 (2)

2007-08-21 5:41 am
1. I think you mean to be a pilot. Most airlines would like to hire someone knows how to fly a plane, especially those who are/were pilots. But some like Cathay hires new one and teachs them. I think you don't need to pay for it as it is quite $$$. What they exam is 1. Can you speak English fluently? (better if you speak more language like PTH) 2. You height and fitness. 3. Are you able to be a pilot?
參考: me and book
2007-08-21 3:49 am
面試什麼職位? 秘書? office boy??? CEO???

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