
2007-08-21 2:06 am
我想問...barcode其實係點translate ga?!~係咪有一個standard!?~
for example:我想入1234567,咁係barcode度應該出d咩條碼?!

因為我依家學校有個project,係要寫一個software 個software要寫到有人入一d data,就可以直接用laser射個barcode出梨

回答 (3)

2007-08-24 1:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry I have to answer in English, it will be much easier for me.

You cannot translate bar code unless you specify which kind of bar code you want to translate to. like if i ask a question can you translate this message? The answer is "NO" unless you specify i want to translate it into Chinese or Japanese... something like that.

There are quite a lot of barcode format around, basically they can be divided into 2 different type, 2 dimension (2D) and 3D barcode.

2D for example there is 39 code, 2-5 interleave, EAN, UPC... and much more. 3-9 code is comparatively long however it can "translate" from number (0-9) or English letters (A-Z), 2-5 interleave is shorter but it can only be used in code "number", EAN is the retail barcode widely used in Europe and Asia while UPC is used in USA.

3D barcode including PDF417 and QR code, which were used to put more information in a smaller area or they can made to contain capability of error correction, ie it can be read even part of the pattern is damaged by scratch of cover by dirt. These code can code even picture inside (like yr SAR passport).

There is quite a lot of book you can buy fm golden center, or you can follow the link

2007-08-24 11:49:35 補充:
many books include sub-routine (usually in C or BASIC) you can use to o/p simple barcode, if you have some software experience you can import or translate them. you can also find some free staff for QR code, however PDF417 was patented so nothing is free . good luck in yr project.
參考: Myself. I've in the retail industry for quite a while.
2007-08-24 10:45 pm
I don't think it solves the problem...
2007-08-21 2:13 am
到電腦商店買barcode software 便可
要買print barcode 紙

2007-08-20 20:46:30 補充:
barcode是要入咗data,才會產生barcode,每一種barcode software都可以生產多種類型條碼,輸入方式很多,例如上班用:姓名,年齡,身份證編號,住址,到職日期,部門,標準值班時間.薪金,在公司裡可進入的部門及不可進入的部門.職員編號 - 將會變成barcode,最後要輸入使用barcode類型.

2007-08-20 20:51:17 補充:

2007-08-20 21:04:43 補充:
日常生活見到不同的barcode是每一公司在開始時指定用那一種barcode format, 不是1234567會跑出一種條碼,而456123又會跑出另一種條碼.

2007-08-20 21:07:04 補充:
你究竟想寫barcode software 或是做一個輸入表格

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