Taiwan Visa

2007-08-21 12:10 am
I plan to join local tour to Taiwan on 23rd this mth, pls advise how long it take for the on-line application of Taiwan Visa. Thanks.

回答 (1)

2007-08-21 12:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
if you are born in HK, you dun need to apply a Taiwan visa in advance, if you born in other countries which might need to apply before you arrive.
you should apply in any branch of CHINA TRAVEL SERVICE LTD or by post but cannot be apply online,it is becoz they will keep you passport orginal copy for ...say 2 weeks. so it is impossible to apply online.

just simply apply when you arrived taiwan by fill in forms and pay 200 TWD at the airport.

see if this link can help with your application:


總 社:香港干諾道中78-83號中旅集團大廈2 字樓
營業時間:星期一至六 9:00-17:00,公眾假期休息。
電話:2853 3573
傳真:2850 8489

營業時間:星期一至六 9:00-17:00,公眾假期休息。
電話:2832 3871
傳真:2832 7002

營業時間:星期一至六 9:00-17:00,公眾假期休息。
電話:2315 7215
傳真:2315 7295

營業時間:星期一至五 9:00-17:00
     星期六 9:00-17:00
     公眾假期 9:30-12:30、14:00-17:00
電話:2789 5940
傳真:2391 9522

營業時間: 8:45-22:00,公眾假期照常。
電話:2261 2062
傳真:2261 2069
參考: i love TW

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