一部電腦可否有兩個 56k modem?

2007-08-20 11:39 pm
一部電腦可否有兩個 56k modem? 如果可以的話,那麼用這部電腦來收發傳真是否需要特別軟件來控制兩條電話線? 還是 Windows 自己可以處理?謝謝!

Thank you very much for your reply. I need two 56k modem on one PC is because I would like to give up two fax machines and would use PC to receive faxes. So do you mean the fax feature in Windows 2000 / XP could not handle two fax line? What kind of software I could use to fit my case?


It is two separate lines and number.

回答 (1)

2007-08-21 3:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes... you can have 兩個 56k modem at the same time... BUT it doesn't mean the "speed" will doubleup...

"需要特別軟件來控制兩條電話線" ??? I think you have to clarify something... if you want to use computer to get fax.. you must have Fax software... Windows CANNOT do it.. how come you mention "兩條電話線" ??? Actually... if you want to use it... you should use Telephone spliter, to splite the line into 2 plug... ONE for normal telephone.. one for computer (IF you use SAME number with your home telephone number)

Good Luck!!

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