
2007-08-20 11:23 pm


回答 (6)

2007-08-21 3:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
只有 lemon28hk 及 sherry_dcl 兩位真係明顯用過個腦去諗。其他解答者如果唔係 電腦程式能力有限而譯成咁,小弟在此謝過。
How does nuclear energy help in solving the global warming problem?
What role does nuclear energy play in tackling the global warming problem?
(如用 function 去講 nuclear energy,只能夠答:「供電囉。」所以不能解決全球暖化問題;而 the use of nuclear energy in the problem,似係講緊核能係問題o既一部份,未知以為然否?)
2007-08-21 3:01 am
In solves in the global warm problem, the nuclear power played any role
"In solves in the global warm problem, the nuclear power played any role"
2007-08-21 12:28 am
On solving and melting globally and warmly, the nuclear energy has played some function .

參考: Me
2007-08-20 11:52 pm
What is the use of the nuclear energy in the global warming problem?
參考: My own knowledge
2007-08-20 11:29 pm
To solve the global warming problem, what are the functions of nuclear energy?

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