
2007-08-20 10:44 pm
I need some help here!!!
I'm a non-jupas applicant, outside of Hong Kong.
until now, still haven't receive any offer or rejection.
it's just either under consideration or in progress.
if I'm not mistaken.. university will start class on sept 3rd.
that's mean now only left 2 weeks.
may i know are there still any chances getting in?

there are only 3 university left:

Other University rejected me.

your help will be appreciated.Thank you!!

回答 (1)

2007-08-20 11:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you chance is very low now, as you are aware that the starting date is on early September. I remember I received my non-jupas offer in late July a few years ago. May be ring up and ask

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