
2007-08-20 10:16 pm

回答 (1)

2007-08-21 5:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, try to think what is the characters of 'hero'. (首先, 你覺得英雄的性格和定義)
1. strong 強壯
2. clever 聰明
3. alert 機警
4. smart 醒目
5. brave 勇敢
6. cool 冷漠
7. calm 冷靜

Then, what do you think the hero looks like?(然後,英雄的外型是怎樣?)
1. tall 高大
2. thin 瘦弱
3. muscular 強健
4. huge 巨大
5. giant 龐大

Then you can imagine who is your hero, what he looks like and what is his character? Why you admire him? (跟著你可想像誰是你的英雄偶像, 他有什麼外型, 他有什麼性格, 還有, 他有什麼你羨慕的事件?

1. He always help the poor. (時常幫助窮人)
2. He always fairs to others. (時常對人公平)
3. He is not selfish. (不自私)
4. He is humble. (謙虛)
5. He is mercy to the poor. (對窮人有憐憫之心)

Last paragraph, would you like to be a hero in the future and why? (最後一段, 你可寫自己將來想做一個英雄嗎?可寫自己想做的職業, 及寫出為什麼你想成為一個英雄)
or last paragraph, you can describe one of your heroes, (又或者你可描述1個英雄人物作結尾

1. Mother Theresa, she gives all her time in India to look after the poor. (德蘭修女,他將終生時間花在印度去照顧窮人

2. Superman, he always fights the gang helps the innocent citizen. However, he never shows off before people. (超人, 他常對付惡人幫助無助的市民,但他又不喜歡在群眾面前炫耀.)

Good luck.

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