本人資金有限, 三隻股之中, 投資邊一隻比較好呢 ?

2007-08-20 9:53 pm
本人資金有限,三隻股之中, 洛陽欒川鉬業(3993), 中國人民財產保險(2328), 中國海外發展(688),邊一隻比較好呢? 咩價位適合入貨呢? 現在入市風險高嗎?

Thanks !

回答 (4)

2007-08-21 1:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
選擇次序: 2328, 688, 3993
2007-08-21 8:04 am
You should have understood these H shs much.
These are good company and make big profit.
If I were you, I would buy three .
If you don't want to spend too much fund on these shs, buy China Fund .

[email protected]
2007-08-21 12:20 am
2328應該會好d~ 穩陣d
好似中國人壽咁 會保險d 冇咁大風險
2007-08-20 10:02 pm
2328 因為保險股有多D保障

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