
2007-08-20 7:59 pm
1.Find the height of a parallelogram if its corresponding base is 12cm and the area is 96cm2(平方厘米)

2.A semi-circle is formed by bending a wide of length 51.4cm.Find the diameter of the semi-circle.(Take Peri equals 3.14)

3.A floor 12m long and 6m wide is covered by square tiles.The area of each tile is 225cm2(平方厘米).What is the number of tiles are there?

回答 (2)

2007-08-20 8:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 96/12
=8cm (parallelogram既面積就係底成高)

2.pie r =5.14
r=1.64 (搵個半徑先)
 5.14+1.64*2 (將個arc length 加直徑)

3. 1200*600 (m轉cm要擴大100)
there are 3200 tiles.
參考: 唔知岩唔岩
2007-08-20 8:12 pm
1. Let x be the height of the parallelogram.



3. 1200x600/225

= 720000/225


2007-08-21 12:57:26 補充:
2.pie r =5.14 r=1.64  5.14 1.64*2   =5.14 3.28 =8.42cm

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