About 今年HKCEE既電腦功課

2007-08-20 7:50 pm
入面佢要我做個report~ Objective入面有話Description the sub-problems
Analysis入面又話Break down the problem into sub problems

問題係 : 我唔知上面既sub-problem係咩意思 同埋咩係break down problem into sub problems

我想補充1點既係有d咩係IT tools(optional) ?

回答 (1)

2007-08-21 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sub-problems are the problems that are easier to solve and build up your whole solutions if you group their solution togather.

Give you an examples :

Suspose you need to design a house, then you will encounter :
1) how the house look like ? Chinese-style or Western-style ?
2) what materials should I use to build ? Wood or Stone ?
3) how many floors the house should have ? one or two ?

These are the sub-problems of the original problem "Design a house". After you got the answers for these problems, you can use these solution to systemically build up your solution.

P.S. IT tools are anythings in a computer system. The hardwares likes keyboard, mouse, barcode scanner, LCD screen and softwares like Windows, Database System, are counted in IT tools.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 17:12:38
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