
2007-08-20 5:49 pm


回答 (3)

2007-08-25 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Don't worry, for F.1 - F.3, we don't have such thing as the "top class" nor the "worse class". You guys are gonna be divided into classes randomly. And you're gonna stay in the same class for 3 years. For example, if you got into 1A, for the following two years, you'd still be in class A ( 2A, 3A ). So no matter which class you got into, they're actually all the same.

P.S. but well yea you're gonna be divided into different sets for the 3 main subjects, English, Chinese and Math. There are 9 sets for English, set 1- 9 ; 7 sets for both Chinese and Math. For English, the top sets are sets 1 and 5, worst sets are you-know-what; for both Chinese and Math, the top sets are sets 1 and 4, worst sets are....you-know what. Class A - C students will be divided into sets 1-4 (English) and sets 1-3 (Chinese and Math) according to their ability; also, class D - G students will be divided into sets 5-9 (English) and sets 4-7 (Chinese and Math) according to their ability.

But remember, no matter which sets you're gonna get into, don't give up nor to be too proud of yourself. Because you know, you still have lots of space for improvement and to achieve better! ^^

2007-08-25 11:02:05 補充:
oh yea, to that guy up there...what you said was bs1A is NOT the best class..
參考: From my experience. ( a spcc student )
2007-08-21 2:53 am
1A is a best class
參考: myself
2007-08-20 5:51 pm

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