
2007-08-20 7:02 am
these are functions on R.Find each smallest positive period if it is periodic.
plx show ur step

[x] : means the greatest integer less than or equal to x.

a)y = x + [x]
b)y = [x] - x
c)y = 1 + (-1)^n , n = [x]
d)y = e^(sinx)

why g(x) = sin(x²) defined on R is not periodic?


回答 (1)

2007-08-21 6:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
i am sorry to tell that the solution of problem 2 given by 霹靂雷霆勁爆ray星 is wrong.
This is because
sin( (x+T)²) = sin(x²)
doesn't imply that there exists an integer k such that
(x+T)² = x² +2kπ
there is another possibility
(x+T)²+x² = Mπ, where m is an odd integer.

Here comes an alternative solution.

Again assume
sin( (x+T)²) = sin(x²) -----(1)
for some fixed positive T and for all real x
put x =0
sin(T²) = 0
so T² = kπ, with k being a positive integer.
(1) implies that
sin( (x+2T)²) = sin(x²) for all real x
since (2T)² = 4kπ = 2k(2π),
sin(x²+4Tx) = sin(x²) for all real x
put x =1 and -1,
sin(1+4T) = sin 1 = sin(1-4T)

case 1:
(1+4T) = 2nπ + (1-4T), where n is an integer
4T = nπ
16kπ = n²π²
impossible since this implies that π = 16k/n², which is rational

case 2:
(1+4T) + (1-4T) = uπ, where u is and odd integer.
then π = 2/u, which is rational. Contradiction

so T doesn't exist.
參考: my math knowledge

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