
2007-08-19 9:33 pm
1.For a product,its marked price=$50,cost price =$40 and selling price=$36.
a) Find the discount.
b) Is there a gain or loss? Find the gain or loss?
c) What is the profit/loss percentage?
d) What percentage is the price marked up?
marked price=中文解釋,cost price =中文解釋and selling price=中文解釋

回答 (2)

2007-08-21 10:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
1a. Let y% be the discount,
∴ The discount for the product is 28% off.

1b. There is a loss. The loss = $40-$36=$4

1c. The loss percentage= (4/40) x 100% = 10%

1d. (50-40/40) x 100%=(1/4) x100% = 25%
∴ the price is marked up by 25%.

Marked price--標價(在陳列時貨品所標寫的價錢)
Cost price--成本價(該貨品原始的價錢)
Selling price= 售價(賣出該貨品的價錢)

Hope I can help you!!
參考: Me
2007-08-19 10:04 pm
1. 由於 '它明顯的價格=$50, 成本價= $40 和賣價格=$36 。
a) 發現折扣。
b) 有是損益嗎? 發現損益?
c) 什麼是profit/loss 百分比?
d) 什麼百分比是價格被標記?

2007-08-19 14:11:54 補充:

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