Want to improve speaking English

2007-08-19 9:10 pm
I want to improve speaking English, i've try some schools, but most schools are using computers to teach, i want to learn and speak more, which are the suitable schools for me ?

回答 (3)

2007-08-21 12:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am quite successful. The methods which I use are as follow:
I hope it can help you.
1. Record TV News and the programs which I like.-----
-----I would follow the English speakers to read the English
which they say . I will read until I can read it perfectly. I also
see the "tittle" 字幕 so that I know how to spell the words.

2. I would like to go to the English Church and talk to the
foreigners. -----I can train myself to be brave and to response
quickly in front of the foreigners.

3. Before I speak , I would use about 2/3 seconds to
think about grammer. -----Sometimes, we forget about
grammer when we speak. Therefore, we get used to make
mistakes. Such as the "s" ----He goes to school. not He go to
school. We have no problem to write it down on a paper but
we shall make mistakes when we speak to foreigners.

4. Of course, you must learn it hard , continously and be
patient.-----When you stop practicing spoken English, you
would find that you are not good or become worse.

5. Make sure that you have a time-table to practice English
everyday or 3 times per week.----It is very important, otherwise
you will forget to practice. Eventhough taking an expensive
course in British Council, if you don't practice or you stop the
lesson , then you will become worse again.

6) Keep on watch the English TV news everyday-----It is very
參考: self + friends
2007-08-28 7:38 am
This method is taught by my Clivi Education teacher Mr Yiu when he wants me to promote a higher level in the oral.
1.Read English books with speaking(Reading Aloud)
2. Read the storybook that is not written by a Chinese
3.Bring a vocabulary ook everyday and write the word. Then try to find out the prounication of the word and use it.

2007-08-27 23:39:25 補充:
I forgot to tell you that I've learnt IPA and it's great. You can really IMPROVED! Try to think about it.
2007-08-19 9:30 pm
I would suggest you to take some courses from British council as there are so many courses for you to choose from. Also, you can ask or seek advice from those consultant in the council about the part of English you would like to improve so that they can give you some professional advises.

That is more cheaper and practical than moving to a English speaking country for juz the improvement in English, right?

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