
2007-08-19 7:49 pm

回答 (6)

2007-08-19 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-08-21 12:01 am
在晚宴加插一個遊戲環節: 新郎可以襯新娘換衫之際躲起來, 然後叫新娘玩 "眾裡尋他" 的遊戲, 在限時過左新娘依然搵唔到新郎出來, 便叫她站到台前等候......呢個時候(可以的話全場關燈; 最好有埋 spotlight 射住門口) 新郎手持一大束鮮花, 然後行到台的方向, 行的同時, 新郎可以講下結婚的感受, 或者對新娘有咩承諾 or 愛的宣言等等; 如果唔講感受的話, 可選擇唱一首新娘鍾意的歌, 然後慢慢步向台前, 行到新娘面前便可以跪下再向新娘求婚, 繼而將花獻給新娘......相信新娘一定好有驚喜兼好感動添呀!

PS: 我結婚當晚, 老公就係比左呢個驚喜我啦
參考: 自己
2007-08-20 11:26 pm
When I had my wedding banquet, I planed everything with her, except a surpise flower. Remember a surpise can't be done by yourself alone. Ask your friend or even the bride's maids to help you.

I asked my friend to hide a bunch of flower. I asked my wife to stand a bit closer to the front and I stepped a bit back and got the flower. Then I kneeled down and told everyone that I didn't give my wife a bunch of flower at all as she thought it's waste of money. Even when I was proposed to her, I didn't give her any flower. Therefore, I took the chance to gave her flower and proposed formally in front of everyone. Of course, say I LOVE HER, loudly in front of everyone.

You don't have to follow anyone about what to do, the main point is to do something unexpected and sweet. Anything you do would make her sweet.
參考: me
2007-08-20 8:34 pm
係婚宴加一個環節,係新娘唔知既情況下送99枝玫瑰, 再唱首歌送俾佢, 實好開心架
參考: 朋友經驗
2007-08-19 8:13 pm
結婚日新郎同新娘講 「我性無能」咁就好有驚喜比新娘!!
2007-08-19 8:08 pm

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