Is there any mistake in the reaction?

2007-08-19 7:35 pm
Chlorine water + Potassium iodide solution--->?

In this reaction, chlorine must be the oxidizing agent, but how about the reducing agent?I think it should be OH- as OH- is a strong reducing agent than I-, but my textbook writes iodide as a reducing agent, I don't know the reason....

回答 (2)

2007-08-19 7:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2I- (aq) -> I2 (aq) + 2e-

Although OH- ions is a stronger reducing agent than I- ions, the concentration of I- ions is much more than that of OH- ions.

So, due to concentration effect, I- ions is preferentially oxidized to I2. (I- ions as a reducing agent.)
參考: Myself~~~
2007-08-20 12:57 am
chlorine water唔係 Cl2 + H2O <=> HCl + HOCl 咩=.=?
換句話說...chlorine water係酸性!何來OH- ions?
CI2 + 2I- -> 2CI- + I2
O.N. 0 -1 -1 0
所以CI2成為左oxidizing agent 因為oxidation number 0 => -1
I- 成為左reducing agent 因為oxdation number-1=> 0
參考: 自己

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