adjective 的d 和 ing 的分別

2007-08-19 6:15 pm
1. 請問adjective 的

例: bored 和 boring 即加 d 和 + ing 的分別,幾時用 d 幾時用 ing

2. adjective 如bored 和的past tense 如went 等 , 係咪只能較死記和分辨?

回答 (3)

2007-08-21 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案

其實只要知道那個動詞 (verb) 本身的意思,便可以知道何時用現在分詞 (present participle 即是 ing)或過去分詞 (past participle 即是 ed),不需要死記(當然,我們至少要記得個動詞的意思)。

例如:bore 的意思是悶倒,He bores me 即是「他悶倒我」或「他令我很悶」,那麼我們便會用 -ing form 去形容主詞 (subject),即是令人悶倒那位,會用 -ed form 去形容受詞 (object) ,即是被人悶倒或感到悶那位,所以,從 He bores me 中,我們可以說 He is boring 及 I am bored 。

再舉一個例子:satisfy 的意思是滿足,我們寫 He satisfies me 來表達「他滿足我」或「他使我滿足」,所以 satisfying 解作使人滿足,satisfied 解作被人滿足或感到滿足。

所以,有些人會說 -ed form 是形容人的感受,這說法對大部分動詞來說都是正確,因為很多動詞的受詞都會牽涉一些感受,這不失為一個幫助記憶的方法。


其實,當用 -ing form 或 -ed form 做形容詞時,在形容詞前面一定有一個 verb to be (即是 is/are/was/were 等等) 或其他動詞為句子的動詞,例如 I feel bored 中的 feel 及 He was boring 中的 was,所以跟一句簡單過去式的句子(例如 He bored me)是有分別的。

反而, 有 -ed form 形容詞的句子可以跟被動式 (passive voice) 句子是沒有分別,例如在 I am bored 中,我們可以說 bored 是形容詞,也可以說 am bored 是簡單現在式的被動式,但這並不帶出任何問題,因為無論我們怎樣分析這句子,他的意思都是一樣:「我感到悶」或「我被悶倒」。
2007-08-19 9:48 pm
1. Bored is used to describe a feeling of being bored with something(passive meaning)
e.g. I am bored with this movie. (like passive voice)
That means I think this movie is boring
Boring is used to describe something that bores someone(usually ourselves)
e.g. I am dying to leave to cinema because of this boring movie. (more active)
2. No. It has a rule. If it is an adjective like bored/boring, there must be a verb to be before to adjective.
For example, It is boring to watch this movie.
Bored and boring can also describe a person that really us lose our interest.
e.g. He is boring as he is always talking something that only he is interested.
If not, it is a past tense. He went to school.

2007-08-19 13:48:41 補充:
It should be Bored and boring can also describe a person that really make us to lose our interest.e.g. He is boring as he is always talking something that only he is interested.If not, it is a past tense. He went to school.
2007-08-19 6:24 pm

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