
2007-08-19 9:35 am
請問有沒有人知csi season8幾時會有得在電視到睇呀?或且幾時出碟呢?

但我睇過d外國網站話她(sara)會死的..... 香港幾時會有得睇呀!

回答 (3)

2007-08-23 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
CSI season8
Season Premiere : Tuesday , 27 , Stepember
(CBS , CSI season 8 promo)
So , we still don't know the answer , may be you can ask William Petersen , or one of Jorja's friends , Emily Procter , role of Calleigh Duquesne if you can talk to them
但點解Sara會被人話死唔死 我就可以答到你
On April 18, 2007, TV Guide began reporting that Jorja Fox may not be returning for the eighth season of CSI having not yet signed a new contract. The season finale turned out to be a cliffhanger involving her character, Sara Sidle. The New York Post reported that Jorja didn't show up to film the finale because of those ongoing issues.Neither CBS nor Jorja's agent have confirmed the allegations.
參考: myself
2008-01-07 1:28 am
sara 唔會死,但會在第8季第7集正式離開csi
jorja fox (sara)是放棄不演csi的
2007-08-20 1:05 am
呢個season 美國果邊都仲未做, 所以好難預計喎~~
另外, 冇聽過演sara的演員話唔拍落去, 所以應該唔會要佢死架~~

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