可唔可以幫我譯做英文? (請不要電腦翻譯, thanks)

2007-08-19 5:48 am
1. 一個真正內向o既人根本唔會因為孤獨同人地點睇而咁怨毒
更加唔會粗暴要求他人認同接受, 你根本係被迫孤獨
你本身唔係正內o既人, 唔想孤獨, 渴望他人認同接受
但因為你自己o既問題而失敗, 於是對所有人都極度怨恨
一方面被迫孤獨一方面憎恨孤獨, 日積月累而成為怨毒
由於唔想承認自己被迫孤獨, 於是冒充內向, 周圍同人同自己話自己內向

2. 地球係圍住太陽轉,唔係太陽為地球轉

3. 你真係好偏激...

4. 對男女兩性心理同行為不了解, 係因為佢唔去主動認識所致


6.了解下男同女兩面的心理, 處事方式同心態

回答 (1)

2007-08-19 6:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. A real introvert will definitely not be so poisonous because of loneliness and others' impression, not to mention rigorously request others to accept. You're forced to be lonely indeed. You're not literally introvert, not wanting to be lonely, eager to be accepted. But you're a loser because of your own problems, so you're grudge to everybody. On one hand, you're forced to be lonely; on the other hand, you hate to be lonely. And it becomes grudge day by day. Because you don't want to admit you're forced to be lonely, you pretend to be introverted and tell everybody that you are.

2. The Earth is revolving around the Sun; not that the Sun revolves for the sake of the Earth.
The World is not revolving for you; but you revolve for the World.

3. You are really extreme...
Why don't you accept others' ideas?

4. Because he/she doesn't take the active role to learn, he/she is not able to understand the psychologies and behaviours of men and women.

5. To vent emotionally.

6. To understand the psychologies of men and women, ways of doing things and mindsets.
參考: myself

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