信用卡 提款/轉帳問題

2007-08-19 4:56 am

回答 (3)

2007-08-23 12:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
you can ask the credit card center staff to transfer your money back to your bank account with HSBC, and you better not to do that at the ATM yourself, coz that will count towards Cash Advanced, right, even you have cash in your credit card account and you withdraw direct at ATM, that WILL count towards Cash Advanced, so will charge you the cash advance handling fee, so better NOT to do that way, just give the credit card call centre a call and ask them to transfer the excess money back to your bank account for you, then that, you won't be charge for anything
hope that's helpful to you :)
2007-08-19 10:00 am
如果你係講梗在credit card account, 有8000幾蚊credit, 而呢d 錢係因為你之前找卡數入多左o既, 當然係可以轉返去你自己o既 saving account, 而銀行係唔會收你手績費, 亦都唔會當係現金透支.

但如果你果8千幾蚊credit, 係中左獎而得o既, 例如: 用credit card 去交稅, 跟手去抽獎, 而又俾你中左獎, 獎品就係8000幾蚊o既簽帳額, 咁你係唔可以將呢d credit 轉去你個saving account架. 另一個方法, 你可以將呢d簽帳額變返錢, 就係一大班朋友出去食飯,唱k果陣, 你咪簽卡囉, 到時你d朋友都夾返cash俾你架啦, 係咪?!
2007-08-19 5:58 am
不過你要問下銀行會好 d, 你自己想下有否入過錢落張卡到,
如果沒有.....便是信用額了, 不然一定收手續費, 並會是現金透支

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