How can we live together happily for ever ?

2007-08-19 2:41 am
Please list out all the factors which can help two /three family members

to live together happily.

回答 (2)

2007-08-20 3:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
The factors which can help familly members to live together happily are:

1. 愛 Love---If there is love between family members , then they will forget and
forgive. Forget all the unhappy experience and forgive others' misbehavior (you
think it is bad).

2. 包容、接受 acceptance---High acceptance can help less unhappy feelings.
We accpt others to have different opinion and idea which is different from yours.
Then there is less conflict and more harmony in the family.

3. 仁慈 kindness---If we are kind to others , the family life must be happy.

4. 和平 peace---If we have a purpose to make the life more peaceful, then
we can have peaceful life in the family too. 萬事以和為貴。

5. 忍耐 patience---It is very important to be patient in the family and our society.
Others need to have good listeners. Be patient to listen to what people say,
we not only can learn more but also can understand more others in order to
give appropriate response.

6. 同理心 empathy---It is good to imagine and share another person's feelings.
Less mis-understanding can help the family members to live together happily.

7. 不介意付出多得回少 Give more and take less---If family members don't mind
to give more to the family and take less, then the family life must be wonderful.

8. 甘苦同度 Solving porblems and share all together.

9. 支持到底 、凝聚力強 Support all the time and stong cohesion---Strong
cohesion in the family can help all the family member live together happily
because they can solve problems together and can support each others.
參考: self
2007-08-19 2:04 pm
It's not easy to list all factors because we are all humans and humans do make mistakes. But I think the most important factor should be LOVE.

Love your family members and accept them as who they are. Be patient with them because everybody is different and you cannot expect them to change overnight. Trust them and be positive!

It takes both hands to clap. Every family member plays a part in making the family happy. Everyone needs to work together.

Love never fails!

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