
2007-08-19 2:20 am
由美國 次按惡化引發的信貸緊縮風暴愈演愈烈,投資者瘋狂走避高風險資產和商業債券,觸發基金大舉贖回憂慮,令全球股市跌幅進一步擴大。


so who is the fund manager

回答 (2)

2007-08-23 7:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
The fund managers, in this case, are the managers of mutual funds and hedge funds. They are facing a lot of pressure trying to pay back the investors who are redeming their shares in the funds due to worries about the current market down turn. The fund managers have a difficult time borrowing money from the bank now, so they have to sell off the stocks in their porfollio to pay back the investors. Some of the larger funds holds several million shares worth of stocks. Just by selling a portion of it will be enough to drive the stock price down. When a large number of fund managers are selling off the stocks in their portfollio, it is enough to drive the whole stock market down.
2007-08-21 9:43 am
Fund managers is one of the largest investors in equity market.
If they stop their investments in a short period, they will sell out a large portion
of their holdings at any porice and lead more sales.
This would let the price down quickly.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 21:50:38
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