What else I need to study if I want to become a lawyer in HK

2007-08-19 1:16 am
I'm currently studying Bachelor of Commerce - Marketing in Australia. I just wondering what other course / diploma / degree do I need to take if I want to become a lawyer in Hong Kong? And also which Universities have this kind of course / diploma / degree ?
Thanks :) How long it takes for the whole course finished and the fees?

回答 (1)

2007-08-19 3:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
LLB 3 years then PCLL 1 years then 2 years working experience at a law firm
HKU and City U, cost LLB ~ $80000 (local) PCLL depend on your result some people can get government funded local student ~ 42100 oversea 80000 or self funded 95000
參考: www.hku.edu.hk

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