
2007-08-19 12:36 am
Cheung Kwai Kit and Cheung Cho Chai were two(1).______but they were very (2)______.They always (3)______.Their father gave the restaurant (4)_______to Kwai Kit and the (5)______and things in the kitchen to Cho Chai before he died. He hoped the brothers would work (6)_________but they satill argued .They wanted to(7)________

回答 (4)

2007-08-19 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) brothers
(2) different
(3) argued
(4) building
(5) furniture
(6) together
(7) borrow
(10) easy
(11) cook
(12) opened
where are (8,9)???

2007-08-18 18:13:13 補充:
Cheung Kwai Kit and Cheung Cho Chai were two(1).brothers but they were very (2)different.They always (3)argued.Their father gave the restaurant (4)building to Kwai Kit and the (5)furniture and things in the kitchen to Cho Chai before he died.

2007-08-18 18:13:42 補充:
He hoped the brothers would work (6)together but they satill argued .They wanted to(7)borrow money from the bank to open their own restaurts.Later,they went to work in other people's(8)restaurant to(9)save money to open their own restaurants

2007-08-18 18:13:55 補充:
It was not (10)easy to save money .At last, the (11)of the restaurant bought the building and the furniture and(12)opened the restaurant just like before.

2007-08-18 18:16:12 補充:
= =打小左第11 題tim......答案係cook~~^^
2007-08-19 4:49 pm
(1) brothers
(2) different
(3) argued
(4) building
(5) furniture
(6) together
(7) borrow
(10) easy
(11) cook
(12) opened

Cheung Kwai Kit and Cheung Cho Chai were two(1).brothers but they were very (2)different.They always (3)argued.Their father gave the restaurant (4)building to Kwai Kit and the (5)furniture and things in the kitchen to Cho Chai before he died.

He hoped the brothers would work (6)together but they satill argued .They wanted to(7)borrow money from the bank to open their own restaurts.Later,they went to work in other people's(8)restaurant to(9)save money to open their own restaurants

It was not (10)easy to save money .At last, the (11)of the restaurant bought the building and the furniture and(12)opened the restaurant just like before.
2007-08-19 12:52 am
Cheung Kwai Kit and Cheung Cho Chai were two ( brothers )
but they were very ( different ). They always ( argued ) .
Their father gave the restaurant ( building ) to Kwai Kit and the
( furniture ) and things in the kitchen to Cho Chai before he died.
He hoped the brothers would work ( together ) but they still argued.
They wanted to ( borrow ) money from the bank to open their own restaurants.
It was not ( easy) to save money. At last, the ( cook ) of the restaurant
bought the building and the furniture and ( opened ) the restaurant
just like before.
2007-08-19 12:49 am
Cheung Kwai Kit and Cheung Cho Chai were two brothers but they were very different. They always argue. Their father gave the restaurant building to Kwai Kit and the furniture and things in the kitchen to Cho Chai before he died. He hoped the brothers would work together but they still argued .They wanted to borrow money from the bank to open their own restaurants. It was not easy to save money .At last, the save of the restaurant bought the building and the furniture and opened the restaurant just like before.

2007-08-19 18:32:42 補充:
save=cook ~

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